Memorial Day on Mai 18, Doportation of the Crimean Tatars

Kamis, 18 Mei 2023 - 23:37 WIB

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DETIKINDONEDIA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Every year on May 18, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the genocide of the Crimean Tatar people. The people whom they wanted to deprive of their homeland. The people whom they wanted to deprive of their lives. The people whose history and whose name they wanted to erase. But the people who managed to return home. Managed to preserve themselves and the truth.

On May 18, 1944, the Soviet authorities began the forced deportation of the indigenous people of Crimea, the Crimean Tatars, from their only homeland. After the terrible war that took place in Crimea, as well as throughout Ukraine, as well as throughout Europe, the whole people were then put on the brink of survival.

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During and after the deportation, when the Crimean Tatar people were forced to live abroad. Almost half the people! It was a deliberate crime of tyranny against the people and against humanity as such.

The descendants of that tyranny are not only trying to deprive Crimean Tatars of their homes for the second time – since 2014. They also want to take away the home of the entire multi-million Ukrainian people – all who live on our land.

Significant territories are under the occupation of the Russian army. There are so-called filtration camps, through which hundreds of thousands of people pass. The occupiers are destroying the cities and villages of Ukrainians. And again, like 79 years ago, they are forcibly deporting hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian people abroad to remote areas. But, in the days of this war, Ukrainians prove: Ukraine is coming back. The truth is coming back. And people are coming back.

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A full-scale invasion of Russia, inspired by the worst the world has seen in the 1940s, raises from the ashes the experience of that time. However, it encourages Ukrainians to return these occupiers to what all anti-human regimes ultimately go through, namely, their defeat.

The occupying forces have already suffered such defeats in Ukraine that Russia has not seen in various wars for decades. Poisoned by state propaganda, many Russians are simply unaware of this yet. They do not want to see how big their losses are – in different senses of the word. People, economy, culture, and future.

But life will make them feel these losses.
In 1944, expelling the Crimean Tatars from their land, the then torturers were convinced that none of the displaced would return home, to Crimea.

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Now, trying to occupy Ukraine and destroy the lives of Ukrainians, the current torturers of the people were also convinced that everything would work out for them and that Ukrainians would not be able to endure it.

And Ukrainians endured. And Ukrainians are struggling to bring life back to every corner of their home. And Ukrainians are coming back.

Eternal memory to all victims of the genocide of the Crimean Tatar people

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Penulis : Tim
Editor : Michael
Sumber : Embassy of Ukraine

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